Equality and Diversity

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Question 1 Provide a definition of the term equality Equality means everybody is to be treated the same regardless of their characteristics. Equality includes any issue which could result in less favorable treatment to an individual or group of individuals based on their disability, gender, race, age, sexual orientation, religion or belief etc. Question 2 Provide a definition of the term equal opportunities Equal opportunities mean everyone should have the same chance to access work, education and health care despite any differences they may have. This includes the traditional ones like race, disability, gender, sexuality etc, to the more obscure ones like hair colour. Question 3 a All applications must be treated appropriately and someone cannot be rejected because of their gender, colour of skin, religion or any other type of discriminatory reason. To ensure that each applicant for a job role is treated fairly then its important that an organisation follows certain procedures. These include: Advertising in a range of places and locations Having a set job description Having an interview panel access to sites is open to everyone QUESTION 3 B No employee should be paid more or less than their colleagues undertaking the same job role due to their gender, colour of skin, religion or any other discriminatory reason. However, there can be some legitimate differences in pay between employees carrying out the same job role. For example, if people work different hours like evenings or weekends, if someone has more experience or qualifications or they have been with the company for a longer period of time. To ensure these differences in pay are legitimate the employer must be able to justify that it is because of reasons that are not connected with a bias towards one individual over another. QUESTION 3C No employee should be restricted from
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