Environmental Science Worksheet

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Environmental Science Worksheet James Borja SCI 256 02-08-2012 Environmental Science Worksheet The population of the world has been increasing by more than 70 million each year; a solution to this would be too distributing populations efficiently on the Earth. “Is negative feedback generally desirable, and is positive feedback generally undesirable?” Reflecting on this question, we can see that although negative feedback is self‐regulating, it may in some instances not desirable. The period over which the positive or negative feedback occurs is the important factor. Positive feedback is expected for certain species population for a time as the number grows. An example: (The more wolves, the greater their population growth, through exponential growth.) Positive feedback, for a time, is desirable because it produces a change we want. Exhaustible resources will constrain population growth. Human population growth in developing countries versus developed countries is astronomically high. Predicting the future is always difficult. Nobody could have known that in the year 1775 and 100 years later, ships and trains powered by coal would allow people to circle the earth in weeks rather than years. With human population growth a central issue, it is important that we develop ways to forecast what will happen to our population in the future. One of the simplest approaches is to calculate the doubling time. Doubling time is a concept used frequently in discussing human population growth, is the time required for a population to double in size. Living systems theory identifies basic principles that underlie the structure and processes of living things and relates them to the nonliving physical world, integrating and bringing order to the ever-growing mass of empirical data about them. In addition, living systems models and methodology are useful in empirical

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