Enriques Journey Essay

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Ethos Pathos Logos Sonia Nazario, the author of Enrique’s Journey, uses great writing skills in the form of ethos, pathos, and logos. Sonia Nazario is a Journalist for a Los Angeles newspaper who researched the story of an illegal immigrant from Honduras. Throughout the story Nazario takes the reader through the emotional journey of Enrique and his family. She does this while giving dates and locations, and also proving her credibility. Sonia Nazario shows good argument for ethos in Enrique’s Journey in several key points. These key points that show Nazario’s legitimacy are the specially cited dates the she uses throughout Enrique’s Journey, As well as giving information about the rewards she has received. A notable reward that Nazario has earned is the Pulitzer Prize. (Cover)The Pulitzer Prize is rewarded to those with excellence in the field of journalism, a quality that a recipient must posse is the drive to do extensive research, something that Nazario accomplished well. Nazario is also able to cite her works inside Enrique’s Journey. These cited dates show information about when the event occurred and further details of the situation. One of these citations was, “He is seventeen, it is March 2004, eleven years before he tells the towns people his mom left home.”(46) This citation by Nazario includes the date in time, how old Enrique was, and what had no occurred yet. All of these were given quantitative descriptions adding to the legitimacy. Citations, however, do not have to be in written form. On page 236 Nazario posts a photo of Jasmine and Maria Isabel. (236) This photo includes the date that it was captured as well as the names of everyone within the photo. All in all Sonia Nazario is able to prove her credibility multiple times throughout Enrique’s Journey, making her a credible source. As well as showing her credibility in ethos, Sonia
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