English, the Global Language

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May I ask what’s going on in the world? Of course, I know that the world is advancing to the future technology but what about the common thing? Now you may have a question in your mind that what is the common thing that is asked. Well, there is trade and commerce, capital investments but think what is the difference between animals and humans. Yes, it is language. We talk in local languages along with English. Think about the language English. You will certainly get the answer to my question. ‘English the global language’ as the title explains about the common language. If you go deep in this topic there is something more than the common language. It is not just a common language but people communicating with this and having trade with other countries. Can you justify that when we visit foreign countries and ask the shopkeeper residing in that country for the thing we want to purchase in some other language that we know and which is not in use in that country? Of course, now you may remember sign language but it becomes a difficult task and impossible for some words. But the English language that exist and is used in most of the countries can be easily conveyed through. More probably it is simple. May be hard for the beginners but not for long time. I also believe that it is a global and a must language. “Easy to learn and easy to communicate” One of the remarkable things is that it is used in the modern gadgets such as computers, calculators, command in the robots and other nano technology. Have you ever seen some other language in these machines ten years before? Nowadays it is common for typing in some other language. But the easiest way is to type in English language. I cannot disagree. I can consider-excuse me-I REALLY consider it as the king of the language. What’s more? I also write in the common
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