Endangered Whale Speech

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Jessica Porter Specific Purpose Statement: To inform the audience about endangered whales. Thesis Statement: I will inform my audience about the threats endangered whales face, and how they are being protected. Introduction Attention Getter: How many whales do you think are killed each year? Well, in the 2007–2008 seasons, over 1,500 whales were killed. Since 1986, 31,984 whales have been killed (Whaling). Credibility Stmt: I have learned about this issue from watching a show called Whale Wars, which airs on Animal Planet. Preview Main Points (can be thesis statement but state again here): Today I am going to talk to about the threats endangered whales face today, and how they are being protected. Body I. First I am going to talk to you about the threats whales face today. A. Whales are threatened by many things, but I am only going to talk to you about 3 of them. The first thing they are threatened by habitat loss. 1. The loss of the whale habitat is caused many by humans. Landfills, harbors, shipping channels, fisheries and fish farms occupy or destroy areas the area needed for feeding, resting and breeding (Habitat Loss). 2. The use of marine areas can drive away the whales that would normally use those areas (Habitat Loss). B. The Second threat is ship strikes. 1. Collisions with ships and other vessels are known to injure or kill large numbers of cetaceans. 2. Ship strikes are to blame for 90% of North Atlantic whale deaths for which the cause is known. This is excluding deaths from natural causes such as old age (Ship Strikes). C. The third threat is Whaling. 1. This is the direct killing of whales. The whales are basically being hunted. Some say it is for scientific research. 2. Today,

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