Empowerment Vs Oppression

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EMPOWERMENT V.S. OPPRESSION There are many different types of marriages that men and women can take part in which may have according gender roles which can lead to women having either agency or oppression. In Marji Satrapi’s graphic novel Embroideries, she contrasts the traditional and modern view of marriage via a conversation of women from different ages-each seeing marriage as a way to gain agency or a way to contribute to the oppression of Iranian women. In Juliet Williams’ Unholy Matrimony? She depicts a very analytical view of an Iranian custom of temporary marriage, sigheh and the ways in which it can empower women or oppress women, depending on the type of marriage and the time it takes place. The novel and the article provided different viewpoints about different types of marriage arrangements in the Iranian culture, and the theme of both writings was the empowerment women were able to gain via marriage. In Embroideries, Satrapi positions opposing views on Iranian marriage by juxtaposing women of different eras in a conversation held between the women. At first, its seems as if Satrapi is simply displaying the oppression that Iranian women must face when it comes to marriage, because the prologue has the women saying things like, “and the rest of us, the women, started to clean.” The type of language used here places the women in a category beneath the men because the women are referred to as “the rest of us” as if they are what is left after the men. There are also things that some of the elder women say like, “You must pay close attention when choosing your future husband. Don’t marry with your heart, but with your head” which emphasizes that romance is not necessary in the context of marriage, rather the priority should be convenience and then the love can be formed after a proper marriage has taken place. This mindset can go along with the
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