Employee Problems Essay

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EMPLOYEE PROBLEMS Employee Absenteeism The reasons why most employees do not report for work as scheduled are usually predictable. When questioned as to the reasons for an absence pattern, most employees indicate “a personal problem”. Employee Claims of Unfairness One of the greatest causes of employee claims regarding unfairness is associated with a desire for information— asking questions and not receiving answers, not knowing what is happening, and going away with a feeling that “no one cares about me or what I think.” Poor Performance Poor Performance of employees who satisfactorily complete probationary periods of employment. OR Change in the employee behavior after probation period. Poor Appearance and Hygiene. Employee Turnover Another problem which involved is employee turnover. The problem is an extension of employee absenteeism in that when failure to come to work becomes excessive, Employee turnover in housekeeping departments may range from 2 to 15 percent per month, which at a minimum represents one-fourth of the staff each year. Although it is true that 90 percent of all turnovers occur in less than 10 percent of the housekeeping jobs, an analysis of causes is important. Objective and Scope Problem solving can be one of the greatest challenges faced each day by the management. Few, if any, days will pass that someone in the organization will not utter the infamous phrase: “I’ve got a problem.” Most problems are best resolved by ensuring that the supervisor in whose area the problem lies is not allowed to shift the problem upward. Solutions must come from that person rather than from higher authority. The characteristic of human nature whereby people tend to push their problems onto anyone who will accept them, rather than solve the problems themselves, must be avoided. In addition, the tendency for overzealous managers to take

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