Emotions and Its 3 Major Components

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3 Major Components that Involve Emotions. In order to set an accurate definition of the concept: emotions. The author of a psychology book (Griggs) presents 3 major components that involve emotions. These components are the followings: (1) Physical Component; (2) Behavioral Component; (3) Cognitive Component. In which the component (1) talks about the physiological arousal triggered by the autonomic nervous system. The neurophysiological responses manifested in as tachycardia, sweating, vasoconstriction, hypertension, muscle tone, flushing, and dry mouth, changes in neurotransmitters, hormonal secretions, and breathing. All these are involuntary responses that the subject has no control, but are preventable through appropriate techniques such as relaxation. As a result of frequent and intense emotions can cause health problems (tachycardia, hypertension, ulcer, etc.). Therefore, prevention of the harmful effects of emotions in the context of emotional education can be understood as an aspect of health education. The component (2) states that emotions can be demonstrated as movements, gestures, facial expressions, non-verbal language, tone of voice, volume, rhythm, body movements, etc. For example , facial expressions arising from the combined activity of about 23 muscles that connect directly with processing centers of emotions , which makes voluntary control is not easy , although it is always possible to " cheat " a potential observer. Learning to regulate emotional expression is considered an indicator of maturity and balance that has positive effects on interpersonal relationships. In other hand the component (3) says that the appraisal of the situation determines which emotion is being experienced and how intensely? It rates for us an emotional state and gives it a name. The labeling of emotions is limited by language proficiency and these deficits cause
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