Volkswagen Emotional Contagion Case Study

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How is Volkswagen applying the principle of emotional contagion in its marketing communications? Emotional contagion refers to a message designed to induce consumers to vicariously experience a depicted emotion. In other words, emotional contagion is the tendency to feel and express emotions similar to and influenced by those of others; also, the phenomenon of one person’s positive thoughts or happiness affecting another’s mood and vice versa. Marketing communications is the "promotion" part of the "marketing mix" or the "four Ps": price, place, promotion, and product. In our case, the emotional contagion relate to marketing communication will focused on Volkswagen’s promotion part through commercial. From the case, Volkswagen Group wants…show more content…
The ad named with “The Force,” a youngster in a Darth Vader costume prowls the house trying in vain to use the force to do something to his dog, his sister's doll, a sandwich, and other things. Element using in this ad is about the naïve thinking of a child which to catch attention from the audience. When his father's new Passat coasts to a stop in the driveway, the child rushes past dad and tries to use the force on the car. After a moment, the car roars to life, and its headlights illuminate a surprised and delighted mini Darth. From this part, we noticed that the mini Darth is surprising on the power he poses. Then the audience gets a glimpse of dad, out of sight in the kitchen, smiling as he holds up his keychain and presses the Passat's remote starter. While this scene showed that an extraordinary illustration, imagination and creativity of a kid enable the parent to generate their effort to fulfilling their child wishes and thus, can stimulate the audience to have a positive feeling based on family concept. In Passat case, suck kind of commercial induce consumers to vicariously experience a depicted surprising yet warm emotion. The ad is trying to express a kind of feeling that comprise surprise and happiness in a family to the consumer through viral marketing which facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message about a particular product or service. People always like to share the happiness to people around them and thus can enhance the reputation of Volkswagen and Beetle. For the audience, this ad not merely emphasize on the drivers, in which it generate an implied message for child and their parent too. When they think of blessedness and happiness especially in a family, the first thing come into their mind might be Volkswagen

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