Emmigration And Its Impacts

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Emigration and the Impacts of It Emigration is a part of migration. It is where people move from their own native country to another country to settle and to find better opportunities for living. They mostly emigrate from a less developed country to a country that is more developed. Emigration is usually practiced by young males who are not married yet. The emigrants are usually skilled and have big initiatives to seek for a better life. Despite the benefits of it, emigration definitely has impacts. It really impacts the country where the emigrants are from. The largest impact of it is when skilled and young emigrants leave their country to seek for better life. This “human capital flight” activity is called brain drain. When brain drain happens, there will be less skilled labours for that country or in other words, there would be less skilled doctors, scientists, architects, etc., for that country. As more needed labour leave the country, development of that country could face more difficulties and obstacles in the future. Hence, the government of that certain country would absolutely have to work extra in developing that country. In most cases, brain drain is a damage for the social structure of the country and will not solve the problem of surplus of labours. It will automatically change the condition of the country. Instead of developing into a better state, a country could have more problems, for instance, poverty, more diseases would attack, and famine, etc. Local institutions and corporations would also find difficulties in searching for qualified labours. As a result, the economic life of a country will not grow well. It is totally a disadvantage for a country in conditions like this. In short, no country in this world could survive and become more developed without the roles of their own skilled people. Skilled and talented people are without doubt
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