Elt3-Question Pool Essay

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY DIVISION ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY 3 • MATERIALS USE AND DEVELOPMENT • TESTING AND ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS POOL Hanoi 2012 Teacher’s Notes The purpose of this booklet is to provide material which teachers of ELT3 can use in their classrooms (weekly Practice sessions). The material covers a range of issues of the two modules in ELT3 coursebook - Materials Development and Testing and Assessment and it will require the teacher to decide which and how any of it is to be used. For convenience, the questions have been grouped under headings with some brief notes and suggestions for the teacher: - Discussion - Project - Case-study All questions have been designed towards problem-based approach and students are expected to work in groups or individually. Used as a pilot material, this booklet is open to any corrections and comments for improvement from all of you. MODULE 5: MATERIALS USE AND DEVELOPMENT TOPIC 1: TEXTBOOK EVALUATION, USE AND ADAPTATION Group discussion Choose one of the following questions to discuss. Then write a written report (400 words) in responding to the question. 1. Look at the following metaphors for textbooks: “A textbook is a pair of glasses (which help me to see what the teacher is talking about).” “A textbook is like oil in cooking – a useful base ingredient.” “Textbooks are like ladies‘ handbags because we can take what we need from them and ladies tend to take handbags wherever they go.” Which metaphor best describes your idea of a textbook? What do you see as benefits of using a textbook? 2. What do you see as limitations of using a

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