Elements of Religious Traditions

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Elements of Religious Traditions Paper Traditions of religion come in many forms such as Christianity, Judaism, Islamic, Hinduism, Buddhism and many more. Each has a unique way in which the religion itself is expressed. For example Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. The Islamic faith is based on the Prophet Muhammad and his teaching, while Buddhism consists of the Siddhartha Gautama experiences and one’s means of his or her existence here on earth. For the most part each religion serves some of the same purposes, and shares a common belief that there is a higher power or deity. The following paper will explains how religious traditions describe and encourage the following relationships with the divine, with sacred time, with sacred space or the natural world, and with each other. This paper will also identify key critical issues in the study of religion with specific examples from various religious traditions. For most religions a relationship with the divine is imperative. The relationship with the divine is meant to give an individual life direction and depth in its greatest form. For instance, the Hinduism faith “worship one Being of ultimate oneness (Brahman) through infinite representations of gods and goddesses” (Adamson, n.d., n.p). This relationship ultimately will free an individual from karma and reincarnation. Another example is Christianity. Christians focus is not so much on rituals and good deeds, but more so the relationship with God and getting to God personally. Christians put faith in their God, which in turn brings joy and peace to his or her life. As stated earlier relationships with the divine in religious traditions is essential part of each, some are more personal while other are based on one’s spiritual efforts. Molloy (2010) states sacred time is “time of eternity” (p.43). Each religion values
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