Electronic Medical Records: Benefits

1982 Words8 Pages
Electronic Medical Records: Benefits and Features The worse thing that can happen to a medical receptionist is to have to tell a patient sitting in the welcome room of her doctor’s office waiting patiently for a copy of his medical record is that the medical record cannot be found. This situation is far too common and in these technologically advanced times, it is not only unacceptable, but also it is unnecessary. Electronic medical records should not be an option for records keeping; it should be the standard of quality care. A health care organization that uses electronic medical records expresses that they appreciate advancements in technology, convenience and are plugged in to the needs of the patient population. Implementing electronic medical records shows the commitment level of providers to an effective partnership with other health care providers which is instrumental in the coordination of care. Health care organizations must view electronic medical records “as the hub of the organization’s clinical information and as a tool in improving patient care quality, safety, and efficiency” (Wager, Lee, Glaser, & Burns, 2009, p.___). Depending on the type of functionality, electronic medical records can be quite useful in reporting health information data to various agencies. I will examine many beneficial features available in the practice management software of electronic medical records that will prove valuable for health care professionals. FEATURES FOR NURSES Time-saving feature(s) In an age of nursing staffing shortages, efficiency is a key component that expanded for the sake of the patient. An electronic medical record that provides nursing staff with keyboarding shortcuts when documenting routine tasks performed on a unit would be extremely helpful. The appropriate shortcuts would allow nurses to focus more on patient care and bedside

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