Electrolux Case Ananlysis

663 Words3 Pages
1. Electrolux Chief Executive Hans Straberg breaks down barriers by forcing his designers, engineers, and marketers to work together to come up with new products. He conducted a weeklong brainstorming session full of discussion and refined ideas to come up with new concepts to produce better products for the company. The CEO made a radical makeover to save the company from losing its stock and compete with the challenging market. Straberg’s strategic and team innovation plan yielded strong results by gaining an operating income of 42 percent compared to the previous year. The plan was a result of teamwork and collaboration of ideas which was based on strong communication between the members of the group. Ivancevich, Konopaske, and Matesson (2014) defined team as group of individuals with complementary skills that share a common purpose, responsibility, and accountability for achieving performance goals (p.267). Straberg not only created a group of individuals who accomplished a common goal; he created a team of innovative employees whose skills complement those of other team members; therefore, building a culture that fosters good relationships and camaraderie. His idea of brainstorming created an impact on the product and its design because the team created a product together. The dynamics of groupthink works at Electrolux and made a refreshing change for designers and engineers of the company. 2. The cross-functional team of Electrolux consists of engineers, designers and marketers from various divisions who worked together on a weeklong brainstorming session; thus, generating refined ideas on the creation of a new design as part of the research and development program of the company. The weeklong seminar formulated three concepts on innovative products such as; Breeze, a clothes steamer that also removes stains; ironing center for shirts, and a

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