Efficacy of Strength Training in Adolescence

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Efficacy of strength training in adolescents There is a common misconception that strength training, or resistance training is inappropriate for adolescents. However there is substantial scientific evidence that supports its use by adolescents for benefits such as: injury prevention, enhanced performance and improved overall health. Lloyd, Faigenbaum, Myer, Oliver, Jeffreys, Moody, Brewer, Pierce (2012) According to Rhodri S. Lloyd et al. (2012) of the UKSCA, resistance training can elicit significant performance improvements in muscular strength, and general motor performance in youth. Additionally the notion has been proposed that regular participation in an appropriately designed resistance training programme can enhance bone mineral density and thus reduce sport related injury risk in young athletes Zanchetta, Plotkin, and Filgueira (1995). To withstand the physical demands of sport it is essential to have strong bones. A persons bone mineral density determines their ability to withstand fractures. Resistance training can be effectively used to increase a persons bone mineral density (BMD) thus reducing the person’s risk of injury, Lloyd et al. (2012) this is important in adolescents in order to minimise the risk of injury in the future. Hejna, Rosenberg, Buturusis and Krieger (1982) reported that young athletes who incorporated resistance training in their exercise regimen suffered fewer injuries and recovered from injuries with less time spent in rehabilitation as compared to team mates who did not resistance train. The epiphyseal growth plate is a highly specialized layer of cartilage where chondrocytes proliferate and differentiate, bringing longitudinal bone growth Egerbacher and Haeusler (2003) There is much controversy over whether resistance training is detrimental to adolescents due to the risks posed to the epiphyseal plates. Scientific reports

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