Effects of Social Media on Interpersonal Relationships

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Terri Hicks Nichole Nichols English Comp 1 – Essay 2 9 September 2014 Effects of Social Media on Interpersonal Relationships Social networking influences our character, love life, and how we spend our free time. People pick up behaviors, attitudes and beliefs from others they are friends with on the internet. If someone we are talking with online is angry and takes it out on us, we’re more likely to pass this mood on to someone else. They spread a rumor about someone without proof and we repeat it. Their actions have just influenced us to respond the same way, even though we haven’t met this person. Married couples often times end up divorced because their spouse spends more time on the computer talking to someone of the opposite sex. Sneaking around behind their significant others back with what they would call harmless flirting. Laughing, joking and sharing secrets that should be shared with their spouse, causing the other to become jealous. The time we have after a hard day at work should be spent with our family catching up on how their day went. Instead, we spend the time talking on the computer with people we have never met. My daughter comes to my house almost every morning for coffee. We will be having a conversation and at the same time she will be texting someone else; not only do I find this rude but also disrespectful. Children as well as adults would rather text their message to someone rather than pick up the phone. This craze may be here to stay, but I feel that social media has interfered with our relationships that we have with the people we interact with on a daily
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