Effects of News Media Essay

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Effects of News Media Essay Information media has a serious social responsibility. Information media that is presented should be fact driven and ethical. All information media should follow a code of ethics which is comprised of the following: seek truth and report it, minimize harm, act independently and be accountable, according to the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics. According to Campbell and Martin (2012), Journalism’s code of ethics also warns reporters and editors not to place themselves in positions that produce a conflict of interest—that is, any situation in which journalists may stand to benefit personally from stories they produce. According to "What Role Do The Media Play In Shaping Public Opinion?" (2008), “There are three branches of government – executive, legislative and judicial - that make, enforce and interpret laws and public policy. The media tell the people what the three branches of government are doing. Just as the three branches have a system of checks and balances that keeps one branch from wielding too much power, the media are the watchdog of all three branches, and they keep the public informed of the government’s activities – both good and bad. Without the media, most people would know little about what our elected officials are doing. In short, the media report the government’s activities to keep citizens informed”. However the information and news media may suggest a bias point of view to evoke their opinion on the viewers. Consequently, information and news media are also inclined to create conflict when delivering information on the current state of affairs in politics. Journalism has been transformed decade after decade with new technologies that are emerging each day. At first journalism started out as reporters obtaining the stories and getting them on print on the newspapers by a certain deadline

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