Effects of Family Violence

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fFamily Violence 3 Effects of Violence on the Family Current research about domestic abuse witnessed by children can have everlasting effects. Statistics that show this topic is important because this has been going on for years and years. Family violence has been viewed as “a range of abusive behaviours that occur within relationships based on kinship, intimacy, dependency or trust” (Family Violence Initiative Performance Report, 2008). This definition of family violence includes physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, and financial victimization, or neglect. This research paper report will examine the different effects that exposure to family violence has through the years to adulthood. This is critical because the cycle of abuse has not stopped happening from generation to generation. According to C.J. Newton (2001) “the way a child handles the abuse they see can be different depending on the child.” Further research on this subject was done by Melissa M. Styles (2002) showing some children can grow and become productive adults, but she also reveals that the abuse can continue. Statistics from a study done by Gary Derienfield show that children may: bully, lie, steal, cheat or fight more often. Another impact of children witnessing domestic violence is the potential intergenerational continuation of violence. There is some evidence to suggest that the cycle of violence may continue with children who have witnessed family violence (Cunningham and Baker 2004). A small percentage of Family Violence 4 children exposed to family violence are not as severely affected later on in life. It is important to remember that individual children’s responses are dependent on many factors within the child, the family and the environment. (Hughes, Graham-Bermann, & Gruber, 2001) A report compiled by L. Ogrodnik (2008) Child and Youth Victims of Police

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