Effects of Discrimination

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The effects of discrimination can have on staff and individuals using health and social care services. In health and social care discrimination can have serve negative effects on both staff and service users by; People who are discriminated against in all forms will undoubtedly feel * Worthless * Un respected * Not important * Hurt * Alone * Fragile * Weak * Unappreciated * Powerless * Frustrated * Low self esteem * Depressed Effects of discrimination; Marginalisation – (treats a person or group as insignificant) Marginalisation is when individuals feel excluded from a main group within society. The social work journals focus very much on discrimination cases and marginalisation being one of them. In 2009 it was recorded that older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. Individuals felt oppressed, marginalised and that they were living in homophobic societies. “While in November 2009 it looked at how kids with HIV and AIDS were marginalised”. In health and social care no one should be marginalised or discriminated, due to their background, sexuality circumstance ect. Negative behaviours such as aggression or criminality Negative behaviour, criminal offences, anti- social or aggressive behaviour may be a result of discrimination or discrimination could partly be the reason for these actions. Poverty stricken individuals who experience forms of discrimination may act in a particular way sometimes express negative behaviour as a result. Discrimination and poverty may well effect one’s behaviour. Less privileged individuals or those who have bad life experiences may take their frustration out on specific individuals such as police, teachers and nurses etc. Individuals may take their anger and frustration out on people they feel have a higher status or who are more en-powered. Health and social care professions may
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