Effects of Colonialm on Africa Culture

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Definition of colonialism. According to free Wikipedia colonialism is the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically. Colonialism is also known as the policy and practice of a power in extending control over weaker peoples or areas. According to Michael Collins : colonialism is the practice by which a powerful country directly controls less powerful countries and uses their resources to increase its own power and wealth. NOUN...the bitter oppression of slavery and colonialism. He further defined colonialism as the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically. Colonialism is the establishment, exploitation, maintenance, acquisition, and expansion of colonies in one territory by people from another territory. It is a set of unequal relationships between the colonial power and the colony and often between the colonists and the indigenous population. According to Wikipedia Colonialism is a relationship between an indigenous (or forcibly imported) majority and a minority of foreign invaders. The fundamental decisions affecting the lives of the colonized people are made and implemented by the colonial rulers in pursuit of interests that are often defined in a distant metropolis. Rejecting cultural compromises with the colonized population, the colonizers are convinced of their own superiority and their ordained mandate to rule. | | According to chegg Colonialism is the acquisition and colonization by a nation of other territories and their peoples. Historically, colonialism is the practice of a stronger power extending its control over weaker ones, including economic exploitation of natural resources; creation of new markets for the colonizing nation;
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