Effects of Alcohol Advertisements on Youth

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The media and advertising of alcohol ads are targeting the youth of today. Alcohol advertising seems to have a bad effect on most American youth. I believe that some advertisers purposely use strategies to reach the youth. Youths may see alcohol advertisements on television, billboards, or maybe even magazines. According to the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth at Georgetown University, alcohol companies spend nearly $2 billion every year on advertising in the United States. Between 2001 and 2007, there were more than 2 million television ads and 20,000 magazine ads for alcoholic products. This heavy advertising effort leads to significant youth exposure (Center for Alcohol Marketing and Youth of Georgetown University; 2002.). I believe that certain advertisements seem to somewhat express that young people should value alcohol. In an article by The Gale Group Inc. entitled “Alcohol Advertising Targets Teens and Glorifies Drinking” they argue that alcohol producing companies that make it a goal to not target teens have been doing the exact opposite. They state that “commercials for beer are the most obvious, using sports, music stars, games, and cute dogs show young consumers how much fun alcohol is (Alcohol Advertising Teens and Glorifies Drinking;2010).” For instance, one of my images shows a game joystick with two beer bottles surrounding it. The heading of the image reads “It’s A Game Day.” American youth may associate the joystick and the heading with having fun because children like playing games. Therefore, the alcohol may attract their attention because the image expresses something that they enjoy doing. I find that the youth may be exposed to alcohol advertisements by simply watching television. Some advertisements may represent cartoon characters with alcohol. I selected an image with Bark Simpson holding a beer and the heading reads “To Alcohol!”

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