Effectiveness Of Garlic In Fighting Bacteria

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Introduction: Using garlic to kill bacteria both externally and internally is a natural answer to the problem of ingesting the drugs and toxins contained in other products. Body Paragraph 1: Bacteria Bacteria are very tiny microscopic organisms that are unicellular which means they are made up of a single cell. They are the smallest and simplest organisms on earth. Bacteria also come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and their size is measured in micrometer which is a millionth of a meter. Bacteria are found everywhere in the world in all types of environment. These organisms were among the first to appear on Earth around 3.5 billion years ago. The oldest fossils are of bacteria-like organisms. The first person to discover bacteria was Antony van Leeuwenhoek in the 1600’s. There are also many properties of bacteria. It has prokaryotic (no membrane-enclosed nucleus), a single chromosome, and a closed circle of double-stranded DNA. It doesn’t have a mitochondria or chloroplasts. If you want to classify bacteria you have to know many things such as the shape. These are the three most common forms of bacteria -bacilli: rod shaped, cocci: spherical, and spirilla: curved walls. Spiral-shaped bacteria can also cause Lyme disease. There are many other traits like the ability to form spores, method of energy production, and reaction to Gram stain. Although bacteria cause many illnesses it also has many positive effects, including releasing nitrogen to plants and decomposing organic material. Microbiologists estimate there are total five million trillion bacteria on earth worldwide. Also bacteria can cause skin viruses, influenza, MRSA-a staph infection, and resistant to penicillin. The average human hand houses 150 different kinds of bacteria. Women tend to have 50% more bacteria on their hands than men, possibly due to men having more acidic skin. Women also have
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