Educational Experiences and Capitals.

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Educational experiences and Capitals. Drawing on sociological theory and research critically evaluate how young people’s educational experiences are shaped by the possession of various forms of Capital. Reflect on your own educational experiences and briefly explore how your own classed, gendered and Cultural positioning has been articulated in your choice. Introduction. From a reading of Bourdieu’s ‘The Forms of Capital’, it is clear that young people’s educational experiences are shaped by the various forms of Capital. Taking into account the generalised forms of Capital, namely; Cultural Capital, Social Capital and Economic Capital, we can study how each form of Capital effects the upbringing and personality of the young individual, especially from an educational point of view. In my personal experience, the family I had and the area I grew up in provided the Social Economic and Cultural Capital I needed to receive my good education. Cultural Capital. My Cultural Capital existed in both the embodied state and the objectified state. In relation to the embodied state I had always been raised knowing that I would receive a Third Level Education simply because my parents had never given me a reason to think otherwise, yet this is not the case for everyone. Bourdieu describes that the place of residence is very likely to affect Cultural Capital. It always remains marked by its earliest conditions of acquisition which, through the more or less visible marks they leave (such as the pronunciations characteristic of a class or region), help determine its distinctive value. (Bourdieu. 1986. pp 5-15). Living in an area that is accustomed to not encouraging children to reach their full potential or an area where it is rare that someone would stay in second level education after the Junior Certificate stage, will generally fail to provide the Cultural Capital needed
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