Educational Benefits of a College Education

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Educational Benefits of a College Education In the article, “Is College Worth It,” Richard Vedder argues that college is not worth going for everyone. Explaining that college tuition has increased by double and is often more expensive than what students can afford, Vedder argues that it might be better to choose not going to college for some students. In addition, he states that after graduation from college there are not enough professional jobs. He concludes that students should consider whether college is worth it or not based on their academic levels. Although Vedder’s argument is somewhat convincing because he points out the economic problems of a college education, he neglects educational benefits that students could get from a college education. First of all, Vedder argues that students with poor high school grades will most likely drop out and/or not get a good job even with college degrees. However, he doesn’t consider that there are some students who become motivated and attain high academic accomplishments due to positive effects of learning assistance programs in college. It might be true that students with poor grades would continue having bad studying skills and challenging time management problems, but there are many learning assistance programs that are available for students who want to improve their studying skills, such as tutoring services and learning strategy workshops. For example, Seattle University, from which I graduated, had great learning assistance programs. Since I wasn’t a great student in high school and had to learn a new language and culture, it was the most challenging experience going through my college education. However, I did my best studying with getting many helps from these learning assistance programs and successfully graduated with good grades. I believe that these programs helped me not only getting good

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