Education: Overcoming Learning Difficulties

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Education: Overcoming learning difficulties This essay will briefly describe a past academic learning experience which I found difficult. It will then explain why I found the learning situation difficult and relate it to the different elements of the information processing system. It will then advise of what strategies I would put in place to improve the situation if I was to face it again in the future. A previous difficult learning experience that I have had in the past is when I attended a class where the teacher was explaining what information might be relevant to the Japanese written examination, which was to take place the following week. I found it difficult because due to poor pre planning and distraction that were happening in the class. One of the elements of the information processing system is sensory memory. Sensory memory has a large capacity and takes in a vast amount of stimuli information from the environment. Sensory memory stores incoming sensory information sights, sounds, smells etc. Sensory memory is extremely short term and this information is forgotten within a few seconds. Attention and perception helps us select and organise sensory information to be moved in to the working memory for further processing. Attention allows us to focus and select sensory information which is relevant to a current activity, as too many events occur simultaneously in the environment for us to hold in our working memory. What we pay attention to and what we ignore stops our working memory from becoming overloaded. Perception helps us assign meaning to the sensory information. There are three types of perception these are Gestalt Principle, Bottom-Up processing, and Top-Down processing. Gestalt principle is where we organise sensory information into coherent wholes by organising it into patterns or relationships rather than

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