Education Is Freedom

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Education is Freedom Knowledge is what gives you your freedom, and justice. To gain education means to gain freedom and loose ignorance. If you do not loose the ignorance you will become a slave to the oppressor. We cannot just get freedom if we do not go through some kind of experience. I have learned that the only way not to be enslaved is by gaining an education, and knowing when injustice is being served. Being able to differ right from wrong, or justice from injustice, can only be held by learning about the two from proper references. I have learned about injustice and the threat it brings to us civilians if we do not know our rights. We can be either involved intellectually in a conversation, involved with ignorance, or not be involved at all; due to lack of knowledge, and ignorance. I have learned that when you read and open your ideas having an open conversation is much easier to discuss with others. Especially when the other people around you have also had the time to experience getting the education you have so we can all have an intellectual discussion. On the contrary, someone who is low on the experience of education cannot be so open minded when other ideas are brought up in a discussion. He or she cannot answer wisely to someone who is racist, sexist, or unjust on any topic or matter. Not trying to gain and education will always keep you within your society and you will not be able to escape it. If they begin to read they will probably want to go beyond what they have been having and detest the people who have been keeping them ignorant. However, if we do not let our thoughts grow we will always remain slaves to the intellectual and unjust person who always wants us below them. Like Martin Luther King said, “We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. “(217)
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