Education- Funcitonalist View

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Functionalists see education as having 4 major roles: 1) Passing on society’s beliefs and culture Education is a functional prerequisite of society it passes on key values and beliefs by socialization, through the national curriculum and the hidden curriculum. This helps to create social solidarity as it unites society in its morals and values. Criticism: Marxists argue this ignores the inequalities of society as the values passed on are often the ruling class. Feminists argue that the school passes on patriarchal values, to control women. 2) Bridging the Gap between home and society’s values Parsons said at home we have an ascribed status and therefore children are treated individually and differently from adults. However at school everyone has an achieved status under the same universalistic values. Children aren’t treated differently but as a collective group, as they would be in would be in the workplace. This helps Durkheim’s “society in miniature” as school replicates and prepares children for the workplace and society. Criticism: Many of the most powerful people had an advantage getting the best jobs due to their higher social class. 3) A good trained workforce Functionalists think schools should provide a properly trained workforce for the future. Criticism: Most practical skills for a job are actually learnt on the jobs training course through the hidden curriculum, it provides a more obedient and harder working labour force rather than a more skilled one. 4) Selecting the right people for the right roles in society Davis and Moore said
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