Educating Rita Reflection

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Reflection on “Educating Rita” Right from the beginning, I found myself attached to the character of Rita, from the film “Educating Rita.” The film starts out by instantly creating a connection between her and the audience by showing her place in the English class system. One thing that I really enjoyed about this film was that it showed the unity of the underclass group of people, known as the Cockneys. It was really interesting to see and listen how they interact with each other. This leads me to discuss a major theme in the play, which is the class system itself. During this time, it was very obvious that there was a strong sense of classes and each individuals place in society. Compared to modern day, I feel like in today’s society, a lot of the groups tend to blend together, with the only distinctions being the extremely wealthy or the very poor. But in this film, it showed the audience how obvious of a divide there was between classes. Tailing along with the theme of major class systems, is the idea of change, or a person’s ability to rise above and change their lives. In the film, Rita rejects the contemporary views of what a woman should and was expected to do. Rita had the desire to learn and to better herself, because at heart, she knew that she did not want to be a part of the class that she had been associated with for so long. But along the way, we see Rita is caught in a sort of “limbo” where she is neither a Cockney nor a middle class citizen, and I feel that this for her was the lowest part of her transformation. Rita was always “trying to sing a different song” and trying to find where she was happiest, because she did not want to end up like her mother; which was made clear when she goes to the pub, and sees her mother crying, certainly about the situation that she is in. Rita did not want to have her life controlled, and did not want others

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