Eda201W Essay

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QUESTION 1 1.1 Discuss the following classroom management styles: 1.2.1 Democratic classroom management style This is very much an interactive teaching style. The teacher should have a sound knowledge of their subject and be of such a nature to encourage participation in an active and meaningful way. Pupil behavior is jointly controlled by the teacher and the learners. This management style requires the teacher to maintain a balance between the task aspect and the human aspect. There are more advantages than disadvantages with some advantages being: Pupils participate confidently in classroom activities It encourages initiative and creativity The classroom atmosphere is relaxed, yet productive Pupils feel that they are involved in teaching activities 1.2.2 Autocratic Management Style This style is teacher centered and the leadership of the teacher plays an important role. The teacher will intervene and try control behavior when there is a problem. The focus is more on completion of the tasks and learning performance. Participation is limited to listening, working and doing. This is a task orientated management style. The following are some advantages of this approach: Some pupils feel secure Pupils know exactly what is expected of them Some disadvantages are the following: Classroom atmosphere is competitive with poor discipline and very little team work Creative thinking is suppressed There is no cooperation Pupils may develop a negative attitude towards the subject 1.2.3 Laissez-faire classroom management style The teacher or leader is generally more passive with pupils enjoying maximum freedom. Discipline does not exist and the teacher remains in the background. This is a child-centered teaching style. The teacher is slow to become involved in discipline and behavioral issues. This style
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