Economics And Social Stability

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Economics and Social Stability An economy is the ways in which people use their environment to meet their material needs. It is the realized economic system of a country or other area. It includes the production, exchange, distribution, and consumption of goods and services of that area. The study of different types and examples of economies is the subject of economic systems. A given economy is the end result of a process that involves its technological evolution, history and social organization, as well as its geography, natural resource endowment, and ecology, among other factors. These factors give context, content, and set the condition lead to social instabilities. Economic policies can create obstacles to economic development which leads to social instabilities. Economic obstacles can be divided into domestic policies which are internal and to the structure of the international economy which is external. There are for main internal obstacles to economic development: underdeveloped financial systems, the lack of economic freedom, macroeconomic instability, and an underdeveloped infrastructure. Many developing countries’ financial systems are and can be unorganized, lack transparency, and are depended on external sources of capital. These factors make it difficult for the government to regulate the monetary supply or control foreign exchange reserves. This leads the vast majority of society to rely on an unorganized, unregulated monetary system which limits people’s access and increases the cost or interest rates of capital. Lack of economic freedom; government rules and regulations have a significant impact on economic development. In developing states, limiting economic choices interferes with the production, distribution, consumption of goods and services, slowing economic growth. Macroeconomic instability leads to high inflation,
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