Economics Essay

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1. A team of three laborers in Mongolia makes rugs by hand for export to the United States. The team works 14 hours a day, six days a week, 50 weeks a year, and is able to make 12 rugs a year. Each laborer is paid a wage that is equivalent to $1.10 per day. The rugs sell for $2,000 each in the United States. a. What are the total labor costs involved in making these 12 rugs? (4 points) $24,000 - $990 = $23,010 This company makes $23,010 profit ever year. c. If a team of three workers in the United States, each making the federal minimum wage, produced these 12 rugs, what would the total labor costs be? Don't forget that these workers would be working overtime. (4 points) $92,700 is the total labor costs for producing 12 rugs. 2. A team of five laborers in Indonesia working in a garment factory divides the task of making men's dress shirts for export to the United States. Each laborer works 10 hours a day, six days a week, and is paid the Indonesian minimum wage of $2.50 per day. In one week, the team can make 500 shirts. The shirts sell for $40 each in the United States. The labor cost for each shirt is $.15. b. How much would it cost to pay five workers working at the U.S. federal minimum wage to do the same job in the same amount of time? (4 points)
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