Earth Vs Human Soul

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All of us believe that we humans are the most evolved entity in earth. We have a soul residing in us which leaves our body when we die. We have different cell organisms in our body performing various activies and functions to keep our body proper. One fine day a wild thought came in to my mind which I thought would share with all.. How can we say that only we have souls? Let me consider EARTH as an entity. Earth is relatively very big as compared to human beings in the same way as humans are relatively very big compared to the various cells in the body. We travel from one place to another in earth in the same way as different cells / organisms travel from one portion of our body to another. We need air to breathe in earth, organisms need bood or nutrient medium to stay alive in our body. We give birth to new babies in earth, cells give birth new organisms. We need food to survive in earth, cell needs their processing functions to live in our body. We have a heart, cells have nucleus similar to heart. We sometimes get diseases due to toxic substances and cell malfunctions, Earth lands get destryed due to calamities in Earth (earthquakes, floods). We have WBCs to fight agains foreign particles (antigens), our earth has atmosphere to fight against asteroids, etc. Someitmes we get infection in some part of our body, Earth gets damaged due to human wars on earth. Oh my GOD..!! So many similarities exist. Then I can consider Earth as the biggest entity and we are the microorganism in earth. Earth has an age and we all know that it will die after an interval same as the death phenomenon of human beings. So can't it be the case that EARTH too have a SOUL of its own? Above are Just my
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