Earth Structure Movie Reviews

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The Core The Core is a movie made by Paramount Pictures back in 2003. The concept of this movie focuses on a geological catastrophe that brings forth the end of the world; when the liquid outer core inside the Earth ceased to rotate. Some basic scientific facts are accurate in the movie; however, their implication is not of concern but rather entertainment and adventure. The concept of the movie is to have a team of scientists get to the outer core of the Earth and get it to rotate again so that the Earth’s magnetic field would regenerate. The Earth’s interior was presented accurately in the movie: crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core. Then, as Vigil makes its way down toward outer core, the crews pass through cavities of empty space in the mantle, some are even larger than Vigil. As depth increases, the pressure and density of mantle also increases. The very outer boundary of mantle is 1,800 miles below the surface. The pressure of overlying rocks increase the density of the rocks below, the pressure in the mantle is 3.5 million times greater than the surface pressure. Cavities of empty space are highly impossible inside an unimaginably dense mantle. The geomagnetic field, constantly created by convection of molten iron in the outer core and the effect from planetary rotation, protects Earth from solar wind along with other harmful radiations and particles. It would make sense to have the field deteriorates quickly when the iron flows completely stopped. According to the movie, the field would disappear in a year. However, scientists pointed out that if the outer core had somehow completely stopped, the magnetic field would still persist for much longer due to its electrical currents. Dr John A. Tarduno, a professor of geophysics at University of Rochester, said that it would be another 15,000 years. In the realm of Sci-fi movie, there is no
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