Civilization In Nigeria Essay

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HISTORY OF NIGERIA EARLY CENTRES OF CIVILIZATION IN NIGERIA AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE (THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY NIGERIAN SOCIETIES) INTRODUCTION Information on the major land marks in early Nigerian history was made possible through the work of archaeologists. Through archaeologists, we have been able to know some of the places where man lived in Nigeria in the very remote past. Some of the places where man lived in Nigeria in the very remote past included: Nok, Igbo Ukwu, Ife and Benin among others. They are usually referred to as centers of ancient civilization. The history of these centers of ancient civilization presents us with the scientific and technological developments of early Nigerian societies. The Nok Culture/Civilization…show more content…
The area where these terra cotta figurines were found is called the Nok culture or civilization area. The Nok culture is believed to be a transitional civilization between the Stone Age and the Iron Age in Nigeria because of the presence of a combination of stone and iron objects. Through the use of carbon dating, it was discovered that the Nok culture existed between the 5th and 2nd century B.C. The Benin Civilization Benin was important for its art-work. The craftsmen of Benin carved in wood and ivory and cast objects in bronze and brass. Art historians claim that bronze casting was introduced into Benin by an Ife artist. They cast wooden doors and ivory masks, one of which was the ivory mask used as FESTAC symbol in 1977. The Ife
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