Earliest Childhood Memory

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EARLIEST CHILDHOOD MEMORY The only time I have ever been in the backseat of a police car was when I got lost at the age of 5. I remember that I was playing in the backyard with my brother when he decided he wanted to go to his friend’s house and I wanted to go with him. His friend lived directly behind our house, but since I was so little my brother decided to take the alley, to the next street, instead of jumping over the fence to get to his house. After playing at his friend’s house for a while, they decided that they wanted to return to my house to play. Apparently, they had forgotten that I was with them because they decided to hop the fence back, instead of taking the alley. After a few moments I noticed that the boys had left and decided to find my way back to the alley to go back home, but I was unable to find it. Panic began to kick in and I began to pace the street, desperately searching for the alley. I walked up and down the street for what seemed like hours, but was actually only minutes. I couldn’t remember which house belonged to my brother’s friend, and I began to cry. A short time later, I remember hearing the sounds of police sirens and spotted the flashing red and blue lights. The police man stopped and asked me if I was lost. I told him yes and he placed me in the back seat of his police cruiser and drove me home. When we reached my house, my mother was in the back yard at the fence crying. I ran to her and she gave me a big hug. After the police officer left, my brother got into trouble and my mother took me out for my favorite ice cream. Therefore, my earliest memory of riding in a police car resulted in me being rewarded with my favorite

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