e-Mails And Texts Messages Are Destroying The Lang

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E-mails and text messages are destroying the language. Nowadays, nobody bothers about punctuation and spelling when either texting or writing an e-mail. Maybe bacause they do not have enough time, they want to economize, or just because it is cool and fashionable. All the same, it is easy for people to understand the actual message. So, it can be said that although text messages and e-mails are destroying the languge, they make people`s lives easier. To begin with, the change in the way we use grammar is related to the fact that text messages and e-mails are two of the quickest ways of communication. Most people use them when they are in a hurry or when they need an instant response. They are interested in communicating immediately and successfully, that is why they forget about grammar rules. In addition, people when writing e-mails or text messages do not mind about using the language appropriately as regards spelling and punctuation, because they want to economize on money and time. Since short messages are cheaper than long messages, certain words or letters are dropped in order to reduce their length. The same happens with e-mails in which people are supposed to be brief so as not to waste time. Finally, fashion also determines the way in which text messages and e-mails are written. Teenagers, especially, think that it is cooler to write for example, lov u instead of love you. They prefer to show their feelings not with words, but using emoticons (they represent an expression in somebody’s face). For instance, if they are happy they would use this :-). Nevertheless, there are people who prefer informal letters and not texting or e-mails. They see letters as a more personal form of communication since you can see the other person’s handwriting. What is more, they enjoy taking their time in order to write a letter without grammar
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