Dusk over Atlantic Wharf

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Dusk Over Atlantic Wharf By: Susmita Bhattacharya The short story Dusk Over Atlantic Wharf is about a girl Lata and her husband Anuj. They live in Cardiff in Wales, Lata has only lived in Cardiff with Anuj for about 2 months. As the story begins Lata is bored and wants to do something exciting. Then Anuj take her to the cinema to watch a film, a Bollywood film. But Lata does not pay attention to the storyline, only the background. Anuj finds it very annoying because he wants to follow the story line – That show how different they are, Lata misses India she is dreaming herself the the places in the film. Anuj love Wales and do not miss India, he is integrated. Lata and her relationship to Anuj I do not think that Lata likes Wales: “She walked to the window. The sky loomed large and grey over the chimney tops and television aerials. Lata missed the drams of colors played out in the sky. She observed it had been the same dull grey throughout the day.” It is like a metaphor and gives an insight in how Lata feels about Wales and about the culture of Wales. She likes India much more than she likes Wales. She neither feels comfortable when she is around other Welsh girls: “A gaggle of teenaged girls stood outside the nightclub, talking in high-pitched voices. They wore tiny leather skirts and tank tops, and braced themselves against the biting cold by smoking and hugging themselves. They tottered on high heels that click-claked as they walked. Lata looked down at her blue silk sari and black overcoat. She felt like an old woman,” - Lata knows that se never will be like a welsh girl, and are also a bit worried if her husband Anuj maybe likes welsh girls better than he likes Lata. Lata and Anuj are a bit different: “Anuj finished most of the popcorn. He thought the music was too loud, but the action was up to Hollywood standard. Lata stared greedily at
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