Duchamps Impact On Art In 1950's And 1960's

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Explain the impact of Duchamp on art in the 1950’s and 1960’s Introductrion There are many different ways which the art world has been influenced and inspired by the ideas and works of Henri-Robert Marcel Duchamp. Throughout the essay I aim to explore Duchamp’s boundary breaking, risk-taking, witty and original approach to art. I will attempt to discover why and how his contribution undoubtedly had a huge impact on twentieth-century art especially during the 1950’s and 1960’s. I plan to contrast and compare some of his varying works and will pay particular attention to three of his pieces which are distinct in their own stylistic approaches. These three works will be; Nude descending a staircase (No2) (1912), Fountain (1917) and Etant donnes: 1. La chute d’eau 2. Le gaz d’eclairage (Given:1 The waterfall “. The illuminating Gas) 1946-66. Although these works were not created in the 1950’s or 1960’s I will explain how it is evident that they were most influential and thought provoking during this time. Furthermore I will attempt to outline how his use of subversion of tradition has helped to develop and heighten the participatory role of the spectator and the relationship with the artist. I am lead to question why Duchamp was such a strong influential figure in the art world. Perhaps it is Duchamp’s playful and questioning approach to art that helped to pave the way for artistic freedom of expression and ideas. For instance after the Second World War art began to move rapidly and we saw the emergence of movements such as pop art, minimalism, conceptualism and Fluxes. Marcel Duchamp was associated with the Dada surrealism movement due to his “anti-art” approach. He sought to fight against art and its meaning which created new roles for people within the artistic world. He did not
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