Dsmn 601 Lesson Approaches

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Two Lesson Approaches for Teaching the Bible (MWGYW and HBLT) DSMN 601 LUO (Spring 2012) Ministry of Teaching Instructor: Brad Reynolds Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Homer Edwards (ID# L24414690) March 3rd, 2013 Teaching is a challenging attempt, but it is also a blessing being able to able to teach a lesson based around scripture. It was an opportunity to do just that, using two different approaches to teach. One based on a model from Andy Stanley's book Communication for a Change and the other from Gary Bredfeldt and Lawrence O. Richards called Creative Bible Teaching. I learned different techniques from the these approaches. The approach from the Creative Bible Teaching book called the “Hook, Book, Look, Took” was the first approach I had used in teaching a passage from the Bible. The other approach from Stanley was the “Me, We, God, You, We.” Both approaches generated thought, emotional reaction and possible life-changing decisions. The HBLT approach gave the opportunity interacting with the student and using creativity. The lesson based around the Ephesians 6 passage (Armor of God) helped with that as well. The first part of the approach was to “hook” the student, to get them to have an interest in the lesson. I had them imagining being in the situation that Adam and Eve had been in, being tempted to eat from the tree they had been forbidden from doing. I was trying to set up a few things in this lesson. I wanted to get them to think of how they would have responded if they were in their shoes (Adam and Eve). The main idea was that we are all faced with temptations, but how do we find hope through God giving us tools to deal with those trials. After the “hook” the next part was to introduce them to the main text that I would use for the lesson. The “book” part was not only
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