Drugs In Our Society

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Drugs in our society Social class someone’s economical and cultural standing in the society or it could be also defines as some ones personality. Social class is divided in two major groups which are the white collars and the blue collars. Social class is often discussed in terms of social stratification is mainly sub divided into three groups; upper, middle, lower class and in this classes it includes power, status, and class they are in. Since the earliest known-writings on the nature of human societies. There has been recognition that social stratification is a central part of all human organization (Lenski , 1966) Most people in the upper class are known for their power and influences over other people. One good example of these is the people in the government. They are the one who makes rules and regulation in a specific place they are governing. Middle class people are known as a group of people who fall socio-economically between the working class and the lower class. More likely they are the one who works for the upper class and receive more salary than the lower class. Lower class is known as the people who receive the lowest salary or sometimes even jobless and they got the highest rate of criminal record and more likely to use illegal drugs (Hawkins et al., 1985: Kandel et al., 1992: Brook et al., 1995). At this research am going to talk about four in a thousand reasons that stands out for me in using and getting addicted to illegal drugs. First is influence which is related more in the social environment and how it may affect an individual. Secondly is curiosity which is one of the minority’s reasons for using illicit substances. Little do they know that such curiosity can lead them to more complicated problems thirdly is social rebelliousness which is an indirect way of an individual to insubordination of their family or peers. Fourthly is low self

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