Drugs Essay

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TODAY'S CULTURE LEGAL AND ILLGAL DRUGS Today's Culture Legal and Illegal Drugs University of Phoenix Legal and illegal drugs have been abused by adults for years. Paticularily focusing on the easy of obtaining and the increase use of pre-teens. The first step is for parents to play a role in their children lives. If a parent were asked, what their children do with their free time majority of the parents would have no idea of matter of fact only 14% of parents know that their teen is out on a school night. (Markel,H MD2005) Teens (pre- teens) tell their parents they are going to a friend's house to hang out, or going to the library to study for school, when they are actually going to parties and hanging out at the local hangs out with their friends and the new thing that young teens do now is have pill parties and you are thinking what are pill parties, it is a party where the teens will bring whatever kind of prescription drug he or she can get their hands on and they put the pills in a big pile with other pills that teens bring and they take one of each pill to get a high. The most common misused pills by teens are OxyContin, Percocet, Ritalin, and Vicodin drugs are the more popular drugs. (Sullum 2009)There are teens dying every day from over dosing on prescription drugs even though it not intentionaly done on purpose it is still considered being and overdose. Parents ask themselves where the teens are getting the legal and illegal drugs. Children are getting drugs right under their parents' supervision at their own homes in the medicine cabinet, they are also getting their older siblings and their older friends to purchase it for them , or even being able to purchase them off the street. Now that we know, what teens are doing and how easy it is for the teens to get their hands on drugs, the next question is how the teens are paying for

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