Drayton, Sonnet61

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Death of Love (Sonnet 61, Michael Drayton) Humans are emotional beings; they need their supporters during good times and bad times while they shed tears when they are not able to cope with the pain caused by a circumstance. Similarly, when it comes to love, there is no exception; they need their beloved to be with them in ups and downs of their lives. Similarly, Michael Drayton in his “Sonnet 61” unveils the emotions of a distraught lover whose dreams of being with his lover forever have shattered. He talks about his painful emotions after parting with his loved one, as the parting caused turbulence in his sentiments. Drayton successfully depicts the rambling sentiments of a lover who seeks to rationalize his decision of departing with the love of his life. Here, the lover exhibits a tendency of justifying his decisions and acts, where he seeks approval of their decisions within himself by explaining that he didn’t have a choice. Subsequently, Drayton opens his sonnet with the lover’s first step towards justifying his departure with his lover. He has decided to end his relationship with his lover, and he is asking his lover to help him end it amiably with a kiss as they have no other choice when he says, “Since there’s no help…part” (Drayton, line1). Subsequently, he tells himself that he made the right decision, since he was bounded by the relationship and he was the only one giving in the relationship. He feels that his relationship drained him, instead of making him happy; thus, getting rid of this binding thread was the right act as they both can pick their ways and seek their happiness somewhere else. He further elaborates that he is pleased with this parting, and he couldn’t have been happier since he is finally free when he quotes, “That thus so cleanly…free” (Drayton, line4). However, no matter how much he tries, the lover knows that it is not

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