Drakulic Writes Aboutt the Lingering Affects of Communism

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Drakulic writes about the lingering effects of communism. What are they? Also, how might her account help us to think about the relative importance of the multiple factors that led to the fall of communism in Eastern Europe? Written between 1992 and 1996 Slavenka Drakulic’s Cafe Europa is useful because it provides insight into the economic and social conditions as well as the perception of international relations that those living in ex-communist countries experienced after the fall of communism. As a citizen of Yugoslavia neither belonging entirely to the East or the WEst, but straddling both, she is in a somewhat unique position to provide perspective on the situation. By analyzing these long-term social problems which she points out we are able to gain an understanding of the faults of the way communism had been applied. Reading her writing we gain an understanding of just how unempowered and dissatisfied she had been with her life under communism, and by extension all those living under communist regimes. Look at her writing it seems likely that it was these longer term faults in how it was applied that made communism’s downfall inevitable and not the short term period of Perestroika. It is tempting to think that following the fall of communism and the adoption of capitalism, in name at least, that everything changed. In reality the switch between the two is (in some ways a still ongoing process) and Drakulic does a good job of highlighting this. So what were the lingering effect Economically there had and continued to be a very real disparity between communist countries in the east and capitalist countries in the west (Lecture) the discrepancy in living standards made economic change so needed in these Eastern countries. The construction of the Berlin wall, built to stop the mass migration of East Berliners to West Berlin (Lecture), shows just how great
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