Dragons and Symbols

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Dragons and Symbolism In today’s time and era dragons are portrait as mystical science fiction creatures. Yet, the Anglo Saxons seemed to believe they were very much real and held a large role in symbolism. Not only do dragons symbolize the dark part of humanity, greed, lust, and violence, but symbolism in itself portrait arts and traditions. Ferocious and untamed dragon of the West has traditionally been symbolized as evil. Anglo Saxon legends claim that dragons are “greedy beast” and this is why they are usually see to keep gold and precious treasure guarded. Even though they were symbolized as the dark side humanity Anglo Saxon’s, Beowolf slew dragons that were symbolized dragons that were guarding treasure. Along with Beowolf triumph of slaying a dragon the Anglo Saxon hero, Cadmus also slewed a beast. He did so to reach the Spring of Ares who in which was the god of war. Many animals held significant symbolism in Anglo Saxon art. Hens were represented in inhabit vine scrolls. In such they symbolized the Mother Church. Peacocks are represented in Christian art as a symbol of immortality. In Anglo Saxon wedding rituals bouquets were symbolized to frighten away evil spirits because they were made of such strong herbs. Also bride’s maids wore similar dresses to confuse evil spirits. Even though, modern folks of today’s time believe that dragons were mystical, Anglo Saxons could beg to differ. This being said because they played such a significant role to their culture. Symbolism standing alone, is very significant to art and

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