Dr.Zinc Essay

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May/June 2007 ­ Question #2 Dr. Zinc – Model Answer In paragraph 1, the writer portrays Dr. Zinc as a frightening and insane man. Dr. Zinc is described as being “bizarre”, giving the impression that he is abnormal; therefore, his words are untrustworthy. His unsettling, “cadaverous” appearance frightens the audience, as they watch the zombie‐like figure perform. Not only addressing his audience in a “theatrical manner”, Dr. Zinc also exaggerates his speech by “gesticulating wildly”, like a “tree in a gale”, suggesting his insincerity and mental instability. Clearly, no one should take him seriously. Furthermore, his “well prepared soliloquy” indicates that his speech is fake and has been rehearsed a number of times. Dr. Zinc’s “melancholy expression” foreshadows the negative content of his speech as well as his despondent nature. His “straggly hair” and “eccentric” features also combine to make him appear untidy and laughable, thereby casting doubt on his sincerity. The audience in paragraphs 5 and 6 is described as being terrified and gullible. The fact they are “not laughing” reveals them to be either engrossed or petrified by Dr. Zinc’s message, believing what he says to be true. His “deathly pale” audience looks sick and frightened by his words, as they “clasp their hands together” praying for a miracle or saviour to protect them. The frightened crowd also “moaned and sobbed” in vain, like “pet dogs” in fear and desolation, searching for a protector. A woman “twitched uncontrollably” either from laughter at the audience’s gullibility, or from extreme nervousness at Dr. Zinc’s dire prophesies. Ironically, some “leaned towards” Dr. Zinc as if he, alone, could save them from disaster! Convinced of their tragic fate, some “wailed and lifted their hands” in prayer, making “final calls” to loved ones. Clearly, Dr. Zinc
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