Dr. Barr's Clinic

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1. Identify the operations management problems that Dr. Barr is having at the clinic. There are a couple of operations management problems that are occurring in Dr. Barr’s clinic. The first one that presents itself is the lack of formal inventory control. There needs to be a system of replenishment that does not cause spoilage, too many, or lack of proper supplies. This can be fixed by appointing a staff member to be responsible for maintaining the needed quantities and continued use of the same brand. This should alleviate this issue. Another option would be to get a form of inventory control program that can be easily controlled and counted on their office’s network. The second problem that Dr. Barr is having is scheduling and appropriating the proper staffing for the increase in volume on one day and the lack there of on another. This is keeping able employees from doing their hired in tasks while other times those who are not supposed to be working are still logging hours. 2. The schedule Dr. Barr set up worked well at the clinic where she was a resident. What are some of the reasons why it might not be working here? One of the initial reasons could be that she is in a different area or region. It is highly unlikely that Dr. Barr started her new clinic within working capacity of the clinic where she was a resident, therefore she is different with different cliental who operate on a different time schedule. Another reason could be that Dr. Barr’s previous clinic set the hours they were at and the community adapted to them. The cliental learned what hours they held and that they were very clear as to when they were open. This is a something that a new business would have to adapt to or to enforce. 3. Identify some of the reasons why the clinic is having inventory problems. The first reason why they are having inventory problems is that they do not have a
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