Dog vs. Cat People

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Dog People vs. Cat People There are plenty of different types of people in the world, but the most obvious and personality-revealing types are those that are either dog or cat people. In a party recognizing a cat person, let’s call her Kitty, is not in any way difficult. This is the same for that of a dog person who we will call Buddy. In a party full of people, Kitty can be spotted without any doubt. She will be the girl quietly clinging to her friends, with her claws out and ready to pounce on anyone that seems threatening. Upon meeting her, you immediately feel judged by her piercing eyes and suspicious smile. She will make sure not to reveal too much about herself just in case you cannot be trusted and does not worry about you being offended. After to speaking with her for short amount of time, she will lose interest and walk away. Buddy, on the other hand, will be the guy that is everyone’s good friend and is always the center of attention. He will be unable to keep still when meeting you, as he will be extremely overjoyed to meet a new friend. He will wear his heart on his sleeve and will listen to all you have to say and will never tell your secrets. He is an extremely loyal and trustworthy guy that you just have to love. At a party, both Kitty and Buddy become involved in an extremely heated argument. Buddy will be open to both sides of the argument, even if he thinks he is right. Kitty, on the other hand, will not back down from her argument without a fight. She will refuse to believe anyone else could be correct and will make you feel incompetent for even trying. After a while, Buddy will see that the argument is not even worth it and will humbly submit with his tail in-between his legs, while Kitty purrs to herself and laughs at her victims. Cat people and dog people have many similarities (both good and bad) with their pet of choice. The only

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