Does Weird Behavior Mean an Extraordinary Person?

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The well-known and widely accepted geniuses of history- Einstein, Mozart, Beethoven- all have something in common. These extraordinary people were considered by others around them to be weird because of their behavior. Extraordinary people are by definition different and unique compared to other people. Weird behavior isn't a definite sign of an extraordinary person, but many extraordinary people exhibit some weird behavior. In many different fields, there have been many incredible people who have acted different from all of their fellow peers and have shown strange behaviors. Einstein was a scientist whose work has impacted the science community a great deal. In his childhood, his behavior was a constant source of ridicule. For him, because talking wasn't an enjoyable pastime which isolated him from others. Then once he grew up, this strange boy grew to become the "Father of Modern Physics". Even grown up, he still had a quirky and eccentric lifestyle. From last century to this century, weird behavior has yet to give up its hold on extraordinary people. This year, I had the pleasure of meeting first-hand an extraordinary student with some atypical student behavior. Though she has yet to even become a high-school student, she did nothing but academics and extracurriculars with minimal encouragement from her parents. Every day, on her way to or back from anywhere, she would always have a science magazine to read. This girl even participated in and helped arrange as many as 4 clubs a year. She got through her last year of middle school with straight A's, first chair as a flutist, and winning three or four trophies in tennis. Even though her behavior seemed weird to me, it was a byproduct of how extraordinary she was. The behavior of a person determines much about them. It can be an indication about how unique and amazing he or she is, but weird behavior is always

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