Does Technology Change Human Behavior and Language

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Does Technology Change Human Behavior and Language Have you ever questioned if technology is affecting or changing human behavior and language? If you have some people might say that technology helps better our lives and makes everyday tasks simpler. However studies have shown that we indulge ourselves in the need to have an electronic tool in our hands at any given day. Something that connects us to the internet, social media, or online games. We bypass the real world to plan for a quick fix on a broadband connection which we seem to depend on. If technology is consuming our everyday lives why wouldn’t it change the way we behave, think, and react upon our actions. Have you ever found yourself constantly checking your phone for updates or newsfeeds while waiting for time to pass? Now have you ever caught yourself checking your phone while behind the wheel, or waiting to pick up a friend, or at a red light? So many people have caused reckless accidents due to their addiction to their phone and their inability to ignore it while driving. So many accidents have occurred due to this that there is now a ban in the United States to ban drivers from texting or using their phones while driving a vehicle. Gadgets are another technological invention exposes to humans at every age. IPhones, IPads, and tablets have now been classified as toys that children tend to use more and more often. Kids use these devices as entertainment using their engaging apps as a form of fun. Kids have become accustomed to such gadgets due to such a constant feed of entertainment that they no longer stop to play with puzzles or read books or let alone play outside and interact with other kids. Chances are people will communicate less and less throughout the years. Technology has created a barrier between people’s lives like a glass wall thus breaking communication with other
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