Does Success Create Luck?

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“Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.” Generally speaking, I believe that people, who are proactive in life, will be lucky or find luck. There are exceptions to every rule, however, in my experience, proactive people find luck. People who are proactive in being successful in achieving something, whether that being a career, or being good at something, can find luck in multiple ways. One way is success with a good career, good income, and stability. One could be lucky in being good at a sport, and achieve higher levels of recognition through that sport. Another example is someone who worked hard at school, and was offered a great job based on their credentials. This is a prime example in justifying the quote, “luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.” Those who have prepared in school and skills will be lucky when the opportunity presents itself to utilize such credentials. People, who work hard at marriages, can be lucky in love. I believe good things come with hard work. Personally, I have struggled in my life. Being proactive in my future was something I used to not find as a priority. I did what I had to in life to make it through each day. I had a low income job, and lived paycheck to paycheck. I was lucky in health, but that was something I purposefully “prepared for” by eating right, working out. I got to a point, where I wanted more for myself. I decided it was time to be proactive for my future; therefore, I went back to school. I worked hard for years, obtained my Associates Degree in Nursing. My hard work and preparation paid off, when I was lucky and was offered a job through an amazing children’s hospital as a registered nurse. I was prepared, an opportunity presented itself, and now I have an amazing career. I also believe there will always be an exception to every rule. This being said, there are people who find

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